The holiday season is in full swing, and although he's busy preparing for his big flight around the world on Christmas, Santa is making time to fly into Evansville for a special appearance at the Evansville Wartime Museum this weekend.

1st Annual Planes, Trains, and Santa Claus Coming to Evansville Wartime Museum

For the first time ever, the museum, located on Petersburgh Road just east of Highway 41, will host its "Planes, Trains, and Santa Claus" Christmas event this Saturday, December 9th.

The event will feature model trains set up by INTRAC, a model train group from Indianapolis, in the northwest corner of the hangar, along with holiday craft tables and activities for the kids.

But, the main event will be the arrival of the man of the hour, Santa Claus, and his wife, Mrs. Claus. The infamous duo will arrive at the museum by plane from the North Pole between Noon and 12:30 p.m. Once it touches down, the plane will taxi to the back of the museum's hangar where they will deplane and head inside to meet with kids and hear about all the things they would like to see under the tree on Christmas morning.

The event is included in the normal price of admission for the day which is $8 for anyone between the ages of 6 and 17 and $11 for anyone 18 and over. Children 5 and under are free.

For more on what the Evansville Wartime Museum has to offer, visit

[Source: Evansville Wartime Museum on Facebook]

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