I don't know who the first person was to look at a chicken and think, "Hmm, I wonder what would happen if I tossed that in some flour and seasonings, then cooked it in boiling oil," but my goodness am I glad they did. Few things are better than biting into a piece of fried chicken that's tender and juicy on the inside, and crispy and well-seasoned on the outside. And while there are a ton of places around the state serving up those delicious bird parts, there's one restaurant in Indiana apparently doing it better than anyone else in the state.

The Best Restaurant for Fried Chicken in Indiana

When it comes to fried chicken, I'm a dark-meat guy. Give me all the legs and thighs. But, as long as it's cooked well and tastes good, I'll gladly chow down on any piece I can get my hands on. Chances are you have a favorite place to get chicken wherever you live in the Hoosier State, but according to the financial solutions website, Cheapism, no one does it better than Hollyhock Hill in Indianapolis.

WRTV via YouTube
WRTV via YouTube

Hollyhock Hill is tucked away in a neighborhood on the north side of Indianapolis and as you can see from the picture above, it looks like a standard house you'd find in any neighborhood. That's likely due to the fact it's been there since 1928 serving up fried chicken dinners since day one.

As WRTV in Indianapolis learned a few years ago when it featured Hollyhock Hill during one of its newscasts, they still use the same recipe for that famous fried chicken that they did when they opened their doors 95 years ago.

Hollyhock Hill serves its famous fried chicken family style with salad, biscuits, mashed potatoes, green beans, and corn, and finishes it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for desert (if you have any room left in your stomach, of course).

Keep in mind this is just one website's opinion, your's may differ. But I'm definitely going to make a point to stop by Hollyhock Hill on my next trip to Indy to see if it's as good as they say. If being in business for nearly a century is any indication, I'm guessing it is.

[Sources: Cheapism / WRTV on YouTube / Hollyhock Hills]

15 Best Places for Fried Chicken in Southern Indiana and Western Kentucky

Regardless of whether you're a fan of white meat, dark meat, or all of it, if it's fried chicken you crave, it's one, or all, of these places you'll want to go to get it.

Gallery Credit: Ryan O'Bryan